Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Plan Your Time for Success

There are many factors in your life that affect your success as a student, including your responsibilities to your family, your employer and other activities.  To improve your success, be sure to consider all of your responsibilities before creating your schedule.

Time Commitments for School

Having enough time for your classes and homework is a big contributing factor to your success, especially as you learn how much time each class will take.  You complete the majority of your work for class outside of class.

Every course has a credit value.  The credits determine the cost of the course and the expectation of how much time you will spend on the course.

1 credit= approximately 1 hour in class each week
1 hour of class = 2 to 3 hours of preparation (homework, studying, writing papers)

Therefore, a 4-credit math or writing class would take:
4               hours a week in class
+ 8 to 12  additional hours a week for preparation
=12 to 16 total hours needed each week to successfully complete the class

Scheduling time into your life for homework is critical to success.  Students struggle when they become over ambitious and take too many credits.  Their health may even begin to suffer as they become more exhausted, sleep deprived, less motivated, and experience increased anxiety, stress and depression.  Strive to set realistic time commitments and you will be on track to graduate!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Four Secrets of Successful Students

Successful students:
1)  Are not victims. They view both positive and negative experiences as opportunities to learn and make choices to create their own future.
2)  Seek personal meaning and overall sense of purpose. 
3)  Practice looking ahead to set future goals.  They break goals into smaller steps and identify specific actions to reach their goals.  This helps them avoid procrastination and actively bring future goals into the present.
4) Create relationships with people who are supportive.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Bookstore Buyback - Get Paid

Would you like to earn money for your used books?  During finals week, the bookstore pays up to 50% of the original purchase price for books needed for the next quarter….   
Don’t forget to bring your textbooks to the bookstore during finals week for bookstore buyback.  This is where the bookstore may purchase your textbooks back from you to replenish store stock.

Do remember a receipt is required for all buybacks
Do check bookstore hours during finals week 
Do learn more at the COCC website:  Bookstore Buyback.
Miss your buyback or still have books to sell?  Sell books yourself on the Online Buyback

Monday, June 2, 2014


Plan ahead! Check the dates and times for your final exams.


Monday, June 2: Free Chair Massages
10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Campus Center Foyer
Relax and enjoy an upper body chair massage performed by a COCC Massage Program alumni.

Tuesday, June 3: $1 lunch
11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Campus Center Dining Room
Enjoy chips, drink and a cookie with your choice of one of the following: hamburger, cheeseburger or grilled cheese, for lunch sponsored by ASCOCC!

Wednesday, June 4: Pet a Pup Therapy
12 - 2 p.m. and 7 - 8 p.m., Barber Library Side patio
Take a stress break to visit with Nationally Registered Therapy dogs and their handlers. Courtesy of Pet Partner Teams, Therapy Dogs International Teams and Therapy Dogs Incorporated Team. Please do not bring pets to this event.

Thursday, June 5: 19th Annual Storm the Stairs Race
5:30 - 7 p.m., COCC Track
A two-mile run/walk that takes participants all over campus including over 300 stairs. Free registration for students. Free barbecue and prize drawings following the race.

Library Extended Hours with Coffee and Snacks
Friday, June 6: 5 - 9 p.m.
Saturday, June 7: 10:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Sunday, June 8: 10:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Barber Library Foyer

Enjoy a free coffee and snacks to help you study and successfully prepare for finals in a quiet environment that is open late and all weekend long.


Stress-Free Finals: Redmond
Wednesday, June 4: 11:30 a.m.
Enjoy a taco bar from Tres Hermanos for lunch sponsored by ASCOCC!

Stress-Free Finals: Prineville
Wednesday, June 4: 11:30 a.m.
Enjoy lunch from The Sandwich Factory, sponsored by ASCOCC!

Stress-Free Finals: Madras
Tuesday, June 3: 11:30 a.m.
Enjoy lunch from Pizza Hut, sponsored by ASCOCC!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Applying to Graduate - Deadline Extended

If you are graduating in the current academic year (Fall, Winter, Spring or Summer), now is the time to let us know. Please be sure to submit your Application for Certificate/Degree AND RSVP for Commencement via the link in your Bobcat Web Account now. Once you are on the list for Commencement, all communication regarding the ceremony will be sent to your COCC email account. The deadline to submit your application for certificate/degree and still have your name appear in the commencement program has been extended to Tuesday, May 13. That deadline is firm: Tuesday, May 13.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Getting Started at COCC

Are you interested in starting to take classes next term? Whether your goal is a degree with COCC or to just take a few classes, we're here to help you through the steps to enroll in classes! A COCC representative will guide you through time-sensitive steps for enrollment, including federal funding, placement testing, advising/registration, orientation and the use of academic support services. RSVP preferred.

  • Bend Campus - Variety of Days/Times, Boyle Education Center, Room 156
    Call 541.383.7500 to RSVP
    May 21  -  5 p.m.
    June 4  -  5 p.m.
    June 6  - 10:30 a.m
  • Madras Campus - Tuesdays, Room 105
    Call 541.550.4100 to RSVP
    May 13  -  5:30 p.m.
    May 27  -  5:30 p.m.
  • Prineville Campus - Thursdays, Room 112
    Call 541.447.9233 to RSVP
    May 8  - 10 a.m
    May 22  - 10 a.m
    June 5  - 10 a.m
  • Redmond Campus - Variety of Days/Times, Building 3, rm 306
    Call 541.504.2900 to RSVP
    May 14  -  5 p.m.
    June 4  -  5 p.m.

Friday, February 28, 2014

7 Success Questions - Before taking an Online Class

Are you ready for an online class?
To be successful, students planning a 3-4 credit online course, might consider the following questions before registering:
  1. Do you have time to participate at least 2-3 times a week online as well as dedicate 9-12 hours per week for each course?
  2. Are you self-disciplined and able to work independently?
  3. Are you comfortable doing a lot of reading and writing on the computer?
  4. Do you know that online courses are NOT self-paced?  (They have deadlines and time restrictions)
  5. Have you completed at least one term in college?  (Fully online courses are not recommended for most first term students)
  6. Are you able to create, save and attach word documents to emails?
  7. Are you able to submit documents online, participate in an online forums, and communicate via email?
If you answered yes to the above questions, you may be ready for an online class.  If you answered no to one or more questions, talk with an advisor to select traditional classes to help you reach your goal of taking online classes in the future. 
Online Orientation Requirement at Central Oregon Community College:
You must complete the free Online Orientation before you can register into an online course.  You only have to complete the Online Orientation once; you do not need to repeat it every term.  To sign-up for this free mini course follow this link to the COCC website:  Online Orientation.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Process of Choosing a College Major

Are you having difficulty choosing a college major?  Are you unsure what you want to do for a career?  You are not alone.

I meet with numerous students who are undecided in their major or career.  In fact, many first enter my office with a single primary concern, "I just want a good paying job, what classes do I need?" Students verbally and non-verbally communicate their woes, worries, excitement and epiphanies, during our 30-minute academic advising appointments, as they attempt to choose the next term classes.  This produces both opportunities and challenges during their academic planning process.

As we discuss opportunities for new beginnings, making plans, learning and growth, students experience a wide-range of emotion.  Some perceive endless doors and are filled with excitement as they explore a future lit with possibility.  Others find themselves gripped with fear, or even perhaps apathy at the thought of choosing a college major. 

Most students experience doubt in their abilities at points, particularly in the first few terms, and varying degrees of fear of "choosing the wrong path."  When ambivalence takes hold, a perfect storm of decision-making deadlock and procrastination occurs.

Fear escapes them as they convey worries of the perpetual "what if."  "What if I invest time and money into a degree that won't produce a financial return."  "What if I don't like this career."  "What if I change my mind." "What if I fail." "What if what I love isn't valuable in the job market."

Internal wrestling matches surface as students search to find "their way" and for the confidence to make decisions.  Unfortunately, this very desperation and weariness may lead some to procrastinate decisions as they become locked in fear of making the "wrong" one.

During these points of standstill, students may struggle finding motivation to persist to the proverbial "finish line."  As students struggle balancing school and life, they simultaneously struggle holding onto their goal to complete, especially through a fraught-filled decision-making process towards an obscure "end" goal.  This seems particularly hard for those immersed in the day-to-day grind to survive or while experiencing an external crisis.   Sometimes desperation for structure and framework takes hold as these weary survivors seek a clearer picture of a "finish line" to run toward. 

Fortunately, COCC has responded in a variety of ways including an 8-step guideline to help students through the the exploration process.  One of those steps includes a FREE, non-credit class, "Process of Choosing a College Major," to help students take the first steps toward determining their college major.  

What many find as they persist toward their goal of choosing a college major, is that the process is as valuable as the product.  Discovering strengths, weaknesses, interests and values is part of the journey towards a degree.  Using a decision-making framework assists many students through the abyss of the unknown.  Arguably, perhaps even more valuable than the degree, is the process of growth, self-reflection and learning it represents, in pursuit of a better future.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Scholarship Day at COCC - January 29th

Scholarship Day at COCC on January 29th, Bend Campus Center
Prizes. Workshops. And More.
Join us in the Campus Center to get tips and information about applying for scholarships.  There will be prizes and great workshops throughout the day.  Scholarship table will have tips and information about applying for scholarships (10 a.m. to 3 p.m.).

How to become a scholarship front-runner workshops
11-11:30 a.m.
1-1:30 p.m. 
Campus Center, Room 116
Winning free money sounds great, but applying for scholarships takes time and effort.  Is it really all worth it?  What pays off the average student debt fastest?  What scholarships should I be applying for?  Come and get answers to these questions and more!

Essay writing workshop
Noon - 12:30 p.m.
Campus Center, Room 116
Focus and hone your writing skills for well-written scholarship statements and essays.

Questions?  Call 541.383.7260 or email (sponsored by COCC's Financial Aid Office)

In advance of College events, persons needing accommodation or transportation because of a physical or mobility disability, contact Joe Viola:  541.383.7775.  For accommodation because of other disability such as hearing impairment, contact Annie Jenkins:  541.383.7743.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Oregon Transfer Day - Monday, January 13th

If you are considering transfer to one of these Oregon schools and would like to talk with a representative in-person, see below….

On, Monday, Jan. 13,  COCC is hosting the Oregon Transfer Days event. It Designed to help community college student successfully transfer to four-year schools. The event will be held at Wille Hall in the Campus Center, COCC Bend Campus from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Institutions that will be attending the event:

Eastern Oregon University, Linfield College, Marylhurst University, National American University, Oregon State University, Oregon State University – Cascades, Oregon Tech, Portland State University, Southern Oregon University, The College of Idaho, The Ford Family Foundation (scholarship info), University of Oregon, University of Portland, University of Western States