Monday, December 30, 2013

New Winter Students - Save the Date

Are you new to COCC Winter term?  If you have already registered for classes, we strongly encourage you to attend the Bobcat Orientation. Bobcat Orientation is from 8:30am - 1pm on Friday, January 3rd.  Remember to RSVP (limited space).  The event is held in every campus (Bend, Redmond, Prineville and Madras) so you may choose the campus that works best for you.  Free food and prizes.

This is a great opportunity to begin early academic success (and help you transition into college).  Although not mandatory, orientation is proving to be a popular and successful event.  Interestingly, students who attend orientation tend to have higher G.P.A's than students who do not.  

This is an opportunity to meet other COCC students, faculty and staff, find your classrooms and win prizes.  Every student receives a free USB drive.  You are entered into drawings for prizes (such as bookstore credit and tuition credit).  In addition you will learn to use the Blackboard and other COCC technology, so you hit the ground running the first week of classes.  Free lunch is served.

Remember to RSVP - space is limited.  For more information go to and/or email

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Bookstore Buyback AND Holiday Sale

During finals week, the bookstore pays up to 50% of the original purchase price for books needed for the next quarter…. 
Don’t forget to bring your textbooks to the bookstore during finals week for bookstore buyback.  This is where the bookstore may purchase your textbooks back from you to replenish store stock.
Do check bookstore hours during finals week 
Do learn more at the COCC website:  Bookstore Buyback.
Also, for one day only, Wednesday, December 11th, the bookstore will offer huge savings on large variety of items (from 7:30am to 5:00pm).