Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Winter Registration Reminder

Are you a current degree-seeking student with COCC?  Watch this silly youtube video for an important winter registration reminder and tips to finding your winter registration date and time.

Winter Registration Reminder

Remember:  Winter registration starts Nov. 26th through 30th for current degree-seeking students at COCC.  

Do I have an advising requirement?
Check your Bobcat Account (Can I Register Page) to see if you have an advising hold (or any other holds on your account) that will stop you from registering on your date and time.  (Click this link to learn how:  http://www.cocc.edu/Admissions/Register-for-Classes/Can-I-register-for-credit-classes-/)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Five Tips to Receiving Top Notch Advising

Get the most out of your academic advising by going prepared!  Learn five success tips to prepare for your academic advising appointment:

  1. Review your degree requirements to help select courses you need (use GradTracks to help you: About GradTracks )
  2. Read the course descriptions to learn about the classes you are considering (and whether they have prerequisites or recommended preparations) before you take them
  3. Go to COCC's online schedule to find out when/if the classes you want are offered
  4. Make a list of possible classes that work with your schedule (and maybe a couple "Plan B" back-up classes in case you  don't get into your first choices)
  5. Bring your list (and questions) to your advising appointment
By preparing ahead, you've done your part in receiving top notch advising!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Planning: The future is now

“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now”  Alan Lakein, writer. 

Visit COCC's website for free Career Services www.cocc.edu

Direct link to Career Services - http://www.cocc.edu/CAP/Career-Services/

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tuition Payment/ Refund Deadline - October 5th

TUITION DUE:  Fall-term COCC tuition is due by 5 pm, Friday, October 5. Use your Bobcat web account to pay online with a credit card, checking or savings account. You can also call in credit card information to 541-383-7229 or pay in person at any Enrollment Services office.

The deadline to drop a full-term class and receive a refund is also 5pm on Friday, October 5.  You may drop a class using your COCC Bobcat web account, in-person at the Enrollment Services office at any COCC campus, or by calling the Admissions and Records office at 541-383-7500.  An instructor's signature is not required to drop a full-term class by this deadline See the schedule for short term class deadlines